With Telegram chats being encrypted and private, as well as easy to use, lots of crypto influencers have moved to this social media to collaborate, inform and engage with their audience. However, considering the number of existing and newly created cryptocurrency Telegram channels on a daily basis, how do you choose the right one for your needs? CoinLaunch has taken care of it by curating a comprehensive list of the best cryptocurrency Telegrams groups, channels and chats, each with its own rating and a detailed analysis. Compare different accounts with the help of our unique rating system - CoinLaunch Score - that consists of >80 crypto-related factors to filter out misleading and top performing channels.
Influencer | Score | Top Channel | Language | Engagement | Total Followers |
![]() | Medium | EN | High | 457.26K | |
![]() | Low | EN | Low | 45.63K | |
![]() | Low | EN | Low | 47.75K | |
![]() | Very Low | EN | Very Low | 8.64K | |
![]() | Low | Telegram | EN | Low | 191.73K |
![]() | High | Telegram | EN | High | 537.28K |
![]() | Very Low | Telegram | EN | Medium | 54.15K |
![]() | High | EN | Low | 118.21K | |
![]() | Very Low | Telegram | EN | High | 66.63K |
![]() | Very Low | EN | Low | 63.82K | |
![]() | Low | EN | Low | 78.45K | |
![]() | Medium | EN | High | 199.35K | |
![]() | Medium | Telegram | RU | Medium | 316.53K |
![]() | N/A | YouTube | KR | N/A | 101.5K |
![]() | Medium | EN | Medium | 16K |
A crypto and Bitcoin Telegram group's goal is to unite people with similar crypto interests. Usually, these channels are created by traders, investors, or crypto veterans to share their experiences and knowledge with the denoted crypto community. On crypto channels, people can communicate with each other and express their thoughts via the chat or in the comment section. Active and smart community is a green flag for anyone interested in joining a crypto group on Telegram bringing added value and real insights since it signifies a high engagement rate and trustworthiness of an influencer (group or channel owner and visionary). Also, creators of crypto channels quite often capitalize on their audience by promoting various blockchain events and token sales.
A crypto and Bitcoin Telegram group's goal is to unite people with similar crypto interests. Usually, these channels are created by traders, investors, or crypto veterans to share their experiences and knowledge with the denoted crypto community. On crypto channels, people can communicate with each other and express their thoughts via the chat or in the comment section. Active and smart community is a green flag for anyone interested in joining a crypto group on Telegram bringing added value and real insights since it signifies a high engagement rate and trustworthiness of an influencer (group or channel owner and visionary). Also, creators of crypto channels quite often capitalize on their audience by promoting various blockchain events and token sales.
1. High speed and safety. Telegram's data caching technology ensures instant downloads. In addition, CDN servers and a cryptographic protocol used by the messenger allow maintaining a high security level.
2. Convenient search engine. Channel members can quickly find previously published information and data (messages, files, etc.) among all the media and publications posted in the group or channel by typing corresponding keywords in the search window.
3. The messenger is free for use. Even though the platform has premium features you should pay for, the other functionality is available for free.
4. Ability to share files of different types and sizes. Unlike other messengers, Telegram has practically no restrictions on such parameters as a format and amount of data uploaded to the servers of this platform.
5. Cross-platform. The application is available on all mobile devices. Besides, it can be launched through a browser (web version), as well as in the form of a desktop version (a program installed directly on a computer).
The most straightforward way to search for crypto Telegram channels is typing related keywords into the search bar on Telegram. Another method to find crypto groups is to google the search query and read dozens of articles containing lists or such groups, but this data is most probably outdated. Both of the methods are not efficient, time consuming and won't provide you with enough data, deep analysis and the complete list of Telegram influencers and related groups. The better alternative is to check out the ultimate CoinLaunch list of Telegram groups, channels and chats, where each influencer published has been thoroughly analyzed and rated by cryptocurrency professionals.
Pump and dump crypto Telegram groups artificially inflate the price of small cryptocurrencies in order to make quick profits at the expense of other traders. This classic scheme is carried out in the crypto markets every day.
Such trading groups are most often organized via Telegram. In nutshell, these are chats containing hundreds or thousands of people, who are traders with different experience, and knowledge. Upon request or co-called “hint” of a group leader (amin), all the group members come together to buy a selected coin, the orderbook liquidity of which is usually low, at a certain time - this is the pumping process. When the price is “inflated”, there comes a culmination that consequently causes a dumping part. Once the price of an asset has risen, the group leaders and their inner circle of traders sell the token with a premium to the initial value of purchase, which causes it to dump. At the same time, traders who purchased the asset after the group of traders and when an asset’s price passed some price level experienced losses. It’s similar to a ponzi scheme.
Such activity is illegal on the traditionally regulated stock markets. As the value is created out of nothing, on artificial demand. However, the crypto market is mostly outside the legal sphere, and its nascent nature allows the use of old schemes almost openly.
Of course, you can find information about upcoming tokens via the Telegram channels. Besides, the major part of Telegram groups is denoted to informing people about new ICO, IDO and IEO token sales. You should monitor such Telegram channels on a regular basis, especially those that specialize in such announcements. CoinLaunch simplifies this process by facilitating the filtering of relevant channels. By selecting a tag, you can conveniently access a curated list of channels focused on token sales to streamline the search for upcoming tokens on Telegram.
The Telegram messenger is extremely appreciated all over the world thanks to its infrastructure for secure communication. Data encryption of the application is carried out using the cryptographic protocol MTProto, which is the own development of the creators of Telegram. Pavlo Durov, the creator of the platform, and his team of developers focused on the maximum protection of user information. They were the first who invented and globally adopted secret chats, where data and content of a chat is being stored according to the end-to-end principle and deleted after some time.
Telegram is one of the most popular messengers all over the world. Millions of people use it every day for personal communication, business purposes and other activities. Messenger’s versatile freemium version, security, interface, and usability are a few key factors why the platform is so loved by the users. And the crypto community is not an exception. Telegram has become a huge draw for the crypto audience who wanted to remain anonymous while getting to know all the events and news in the crypto space.