Launchpad Score Type Project Support Social Influence Number of
Token Sales
Impossible Finance logoImpossible FinanceMediumIncubation & Round HostingMediumMedium
PancakeSwap LogoPancakeSwapMediumDEXVery LowHigh
OpenPad logoOpenPadN/ARound HostingN/AN/A
BSClaunch logoBSClaunchN/ARound HostingN/AN/A
Kommunitas LogoKommunitasMediumIncubation & Round HostingLowMedium
Ordify LogoOrdifyN/ARound HostingN/AN/A
BIO ProtocolBIO LaunchpadN/ARound HostingN/AN/A
GameFi LogoGameFiHighIncubation & Round HostingHighHigh
Red Kite logoRed KiteHighRound HostingMediumHigh
enjinstarter logo pngEnjinstarterMediumIncubation & Round HostingMediumMedium
DAO Maker logoDAO MakerHighIncubation & Round HostingVery HighHigh
DegenPad logoDegenPadMediumIncubation & Round HostingLowVery High
Polkastarter logoPolkastarterHighIncubation & Round HostingMediumMedium
Fjord Foundry logoFjord FoundryMediumIncubation & Round HostingMediumLow
DecubateDecubateMediumIncubation & Round HostingMediumMedium
61-75 from 85
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CoinLaunch Helps You Find the Best IDO Launchpad

Meet CoinLaunch - the ultimate data hub for crypto enthusiasts and investors!

Our platform provides a detailed analysis of the top IDO platforms on the market, as well as new IDO launchpads, giving you the insights you need to make data-based investment decisions. We carefully evaluate each IDO platform using our unique CoinLaunch Score that is based on a variety of factors, including user experience, security, tokenomics, team background, and so forth.

Our team of experts regularly conducts thorough research and analysis of each IDO platform to ensure that you get the most up-to-date information, stats and rates. With the help of our database, you can easily conduct an IDO launchpad comparison and select the best token projects from their pools to join since we provide the complete data set where all the opinions and scores are unbiased.


What Are Crypto IDO Platforms?

IDO launchpads are investment collection platforms that allow crypto businesses to issue and launch tokens in a decentralized manner through their infrastructure (via smart contracts) and resources. The concept of an IDO launchpad arose as a reaction to issues project owners and crypto investors faced while participating in traditional ICOs and IEOs. It includes excessive centralization in fundraising, a lack of transparency in project listings as well as investor selection processes and mandatory KYC verification.

Besides providing a decentralized infrastructure for launching new crypto tokens, IDO launchpads sometimes assist young projects in marketing and provide technical support, since their success is directly linked to the performance of IDO rounds conducted on their venue.

Why Do Projects Use IDO Platforms for Launching New Crypto?

IDO launchpad platform provides crypto projects with a decentralized and more transparent way to conduct a token sale and raise capital needed for a newly launched crypto’s development and marketing. IDO platforms have emerged as a safe alternative to traditional crowdfunding approaches like Initial Coin Offerings. When conducting a token sale through the IDO launchpad, the project may benefit from a variety of other services and perks offered by a fundraising platform, such as project credibility validation, marketing support, connection to a wider audience base, technical assistance, token launch consulting and help with future exchange listings.

The Benefits of IDO Crypto Platforms

Launching tokens through IDO launchpads is beneficial for both investors and token projects.

For crypto projects IDO platforms list numerous advantages:

  • IDO launchpads present a fast and low-cost method for crypto projects to raise capital for their product development and promotion.
  • All tokens that are launched on the IDO launchpads may receive a huge support from IDO launchpad’s loyal community. Projects get mentioned on the launchpad’s social media channels, website and sometimes on joint AMA sessions within the framework of the cooperation.
  • With the use of smart contracts, both the investors’ and crypto projects’ funds are more protected while investment and token reception processes are more transparent and secure.
  • IDO platforms increase a newly launched token’s liquidity, which automatically generates more interest to the project and makes it more attractive for investors. 


For regular users who want to become investors, IDO platforms bring the next benefits:

  • Trusted and secure investment options: Because all of the projects featured on launchpads are usually thoroughly monitored and validated, you can feel more secure investing in one of the tokens without fear of falling victim to scammers.
  • The most promising upcoming tokens in one place: When an upcoming token applies for a chance to hold a token sale round on a certain launchpad, the team of the launchpad carefully examines the project in terms of its legitimacy and, most importantly, its potential and profitability. Since the reputation of a launchpad heavily depends on the projects it hosts, the platform does its due diligence to filter out only high-quality investment opportunities for the users.
  • Fair and transparent token allocation system: IDO platforms utilize transparent, randomized approaches to pick the winners. Some launchpads incorporate staking-based models, other platforms implement tiered participation structures,  but essentially, the token allocation model is fully randomized and can’t be tricked for your personal gains. 

Which crypto launchpads (IDO, ICO, IEO platforms) have guaranteed allocations?

In the world of cryptocurrency, token allocation refers to the guaranteed distribution of tokens to various investor groups. Not every crypto launchpad offers a chance to get a 100% guaranteed share of tokens, but even if they do - it may cost you a penny. 

Here are top 5 launchpads that can give you a guaranteed token allocation:

  1. DAO Maker: Users in the lowest tier have a 4.6% chance of winning, but users in the top tier (tier 5) get a guaranteed allocation.
  2. TruePNL: Every PNLg pool contributor gets a guaranteed whitelist spot;
  3. Seedify: Token allocations are random in the lowest tier, tier 1, but guaranteed in the subsequent eight levels.
  4. GameFi: Token holders that have earned the Legend rank are guaranteed 20% of a new token sale pool.
  5. BSCPad: Every tier receives a guaranteed allocation.


How to Find the Best IDO Launchpad?

When looking for the best IDO platform thought which to invest into new crypto projects, there are three (3) key moments you should address ahead of time:

  • Check the record of past token sales conducted on the platform: the performance of already listed projects tells a lot about a crypto launchpad. Compare the number of projects that have brought positive ROI and negative ROI. Don’t forget to observe tokens with the highest current ROI. It is the main quality mark of any launchpad as it directly reflects the level of their compliance and project selection process, as well as indicates power of support they provide crypto projects with after listing.
  • Pay attention to staking and allocation distribution rules: most launchpads require users to stake some amount of their native tokens to become eligible for receiving a token allocation. Some of the platforms have a certain lockup period for the staked tokens only after which you can start participating in the token sale. Always take into account a time period for which you are required to lock up your funds. When talking about token allocation distribution model, different launchpads employ different structures, such as tiered-based selection process or token allocation based on the amount of tokens staked. DAO Maker, for example, requires token sale participants to keep stacking their native token, DAO, to receive tokens in the long run according to a vesting schedule. If the tokens are moved from staking earlier, the rest of the allocation, which was not received by an investor yet, will be distributed to the remaining investors who have kept their DAO tokens in the staking vault. Therefore, it’s critical for crypto investors to discover and understand the staking and allocation distribution rules of a given launchpad not to lose their investments. 
  • Evaluate launchpad’s social media presence: follow the platform in various channels to assess the size of its audience, coverage and online profile. Then, move to more complex metrics like engagement rate (ER) and (ERR). As a bonus, you will get the news about upcoming IDO listings on the selected launchpads.

IDO Launchpad List: the Top Platforms

  1. At the time of writing, only DAO Maker has managed to showcase a positive current average ROI on all 112 already conducted token sales.
  2. The 2nd place goes to TrustSwap Launchpad. With 30 IDOs launched on the platform, the average negative current ROI is the lowest among the rest launchpads.
  3. The 3rd place is occupied by BSCPad, the first IDO platform based on the Binance Smart Chain Network. The launchpad also has a negative current average ROI rate based on 69 past IDOs, but it’s second lowest.