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Airdrop for Early Adopters

Active 11 Jan - 01 Jul 2024

Berachain is an L1 blockchain network designed to solve the blockchain liquidity and security dilemma. It implements the innovative Proof of Liquidity consensus mechanism, which allows it to keep liquidity “on-chain”, without compromising network security. The Berachain Proof of Liquidity operates with three native tokens: governance token $BGT, native fees token $BERA and stablecoin $HONEY, which used to pay rewards for node runners. 

Currently, the network operates on its first public testnet version, Berachain Atrio, but according to some rumors in the crypto community, the launch of the platform’s mainnet along with a Berachain airdrop may occur as soon as Q2 2024.

CoinLaunch Score: Last update:
High 20 May 2024

Berachain - Airdrop for Early Adopters Overview

start date: 11 Jan 2024
end date: 01 Jul 2024
Reward Distribution: 15 Jul
More about Berachain
Reward N/A
Winners: N/A

How to join  Berachain - Airdrop for Early Adopters ?

To participate in the Berachain airdrop, you need to actively engage with the Berachain testnet network. 

To start engaging, you need to add Berachain network to your wallet and acquire some $BERA gas fee tokens through any of the Berachain faucet or any other faucet suggested on that page. 

Once you received testnet $BERA tokens you will be able to engage with Berahcain network in a few different ways:

  • Swap to $HONEY stablecoin

On Berachain, you can earn $HONEY testnet stablecoins by swapping $BERA for STGUSDC on the Berachain DEX, and then exchanging those STGUSDC for $HONEY on the Honey website. $HONEY can be used in multiple DeFi protocols on Berachain, including:

  • BEX: On BEX, you can provide $HONEY and exchange it for $BERA, WETH, WBTC, and STGUSDC, or provide $HONEY into LPs paired with any of the mentioned tokens.
  • Berps: Berps is a native perpetual exchange on Berachain where you can trade multiple pairs using the $HONEY stablecoin.
  • Bend: On the Bend protocol, you are able to lend or borrow your $HONEY or any other token, similarly to any decentralized lending protocols.
  • Get and delegate $BGT tokens

For providing liquidity on the BEX, you will receive Berachain testnet governance tokens - $BGT. On the BGT station, you can delegate these governance tokens to validators and start earning $HONEY from the node runners to whom you delegated your $BGT.

  • Mint NFTs:

In addition to the main activities on Berachain we mentioned above, you can also mint NFT on “The Honey Jar” and other NFT on Metaverse HQ by completing some social tasks on the platform.


Good Luck!

Step-by-step Guide

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