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Find Upcoming, Ongoing & Ended Token Sales on Our ICO Round Schedule!

Have no clue how to find and monitor upcoming Initial Coin Offerings? Lucky for you, there are actual platforms dedicated to it, and CoinLaunch is one of them.

CoinLaunch is a revolutionary crypto analytical platform that acts as a database of upcoming, active and ended ICOs, IDOs, IEOs etc. Our experts are working 24/7 to gather, review and evaluate all the new ICO rounds popping on the market to filter them and provide you with an ultimate and structured investment opportunity assortment. Having an investment, marketing and blockchain dev background, our specialists have researched dozens of token sales and developed a special rating system - CoinLaunch Score. The scoring model evaluates the potential of new projects based on >80 token-related factors to help you get the most clear picture of each token sale’s investment potential.


What is a crypto ICO round calendar?

Essentially, a crypto ICO calendar is a schedule of active and upcoming ICOs with dates, times, participation guides and other important information about the event and project. The CoinLaunch ICO calendar provides users with full data about a crypto project to enable them to make informed investment decisions. In addition, with the help of the ICO calendar, you can discover information on a project’s team, product, whitepaper, tokenomics, backers, influencers marketing performance, and so on.

In addition to offering a comprehensive catalog of token sale events, the ICO crypto calendar includes assessment of a token sale event, its regulatory compliance status, its launchpads, associated funds and investors, social media channels, and team members involved in a project. A cryptocurrency ICO calendar serves as a fundamental source of insights and information for cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are eager to participate in the hyped and promising emerging token offerings.

How to find ICO token rounds early?

If you want to spot projects with an upcoming ICO round ahead of time, there are a few key proven tips to follow:

  1. Ranking platforms: Use crypto analytical aggregators, like CoinLaunch, to keep abreast of the most promising upcoming ICO rounds and their in-depth reviews.
  2. Communities: Join reputable and active cryptocurrency investment communities on different social media platforms to keep your finger on a pulse of current trends and discussion regarding hot token sale events.
  3. News Outlets: Follow different news websites, like BeInCryptoDecrypt and Cointelegraph to stay aware of all active and upcoming ICO token sales events as well as any updates regarding specific token dale rounds.

How to buy ICO tokens?

The first step involves finding a project you want to invest in. Nowadays, no credible and full-of-potential Initial Coin Offerings conducts their fundraising rounds on their own websites. Instead, they turn to ICO launchpads. If you are not sure which project is best for you, go straight to an ICO launchpad to check upcoming ICO sales and find a token sale you can hop on.  

Every ICO launchpad has predefined criteria you have to meet to become an eligible ICO round participant. Also, before jumping into a sale, get acquainted with such token sale details as the token distribution mechanism, lock-up periods, data and time of an event etc.

Once the ICO round is over, you will (or will not) win a token allocation. As a rule, after getting the allocation, you have to wait a specific amount of time until you can buy ICO tokens with the rest of early investors. Then, you can keep the received tokens or buy/sell/trade them on cryptocurrency exchanges.

The difference between upcoming IDO vs ICO coin releases.

There are a few key differences between these two fundraising methods:

  1. Platform: IDO rounds are conducted on DEXs while ICO rounds are hosted on ICO launchpads or projects’ websites.
  2. Security: IDO is considered a more secure and transparent fundraising method due to the use of smart contracts. ICO, being centralized, is perceived as more user friendly, but more susceptible to manipulation and fraud.
  3. Market availability: Compared to ICO tokens, founders of which have to find and then negotiate listing with crypto exchanges in order to be accessible by the general public, IDO tokens are traded immediately on decentralized exchanges they were launched on.  

KYC verification: Typically, participants in an Initial Coin Offering are required to undergo KYC and AML verification as a standard procedure. On the other hand, IDOs may not ask for a mandatory KYC/AML verification. Initial DEX Offering rounds operate under the regulation of smart contracts, enabling investors to purchase tokens using their non-custodial crypto wallets.

Be aware of possible scam of upcoming crypto listings!

It is crucial to check every project you consider joining for being a scam. Here we gathered some tips on how to protect yourself from a fraud:

  1. Project team. Take your time to ensure that a team behind the project is real and has necessary background to start and manage a crypto venture. 
  2. Expert feedback. Look for independent reviews of a project you are interested in.
  3. Red flags. Do not trust projects that promise you enormous high returns and pressure you to make certain actions ASAP. It is also a red flag if the Internet knows nothing about this project and its team (p.1).
  4. Project documentation. Assess all the official project documents in terms of clarity and credibility of mentioned goals, token distributions, use cases etc.

With so many projects out there, it is hard to keep up with all the steps on your own. That’s where CoinLaunch comes to the rescue. Our experts have already done their due diligence on thousands of projects and token sale rounds. Check our complete token sale list!