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Greenoaks Capital


Greenoaks Capital is a venture capital firm focused on long-term partnerships with companies they believe will define generations. Their mission is to identify and support these businesses early in their lifecycle, committing to decades-long collaborations. Their diverse portfolio includes notable companies like Airtable, Canva, Discord, and Stripe, covering various sectors from fintech to software and e-commerce. Greenoaks Capital's investment philosophy emphasizes forming lasting relationships with intensely focused teams, going beyond mere financial support. This approach reflects their belief in the transformative impact of a select few companies on industry and society, positioning them as a distinctive player in the venture capital landscape.

CoinLaunch Score: Last update:
N/A 21 Dec 2023

Greenoaks Capital Overview

Type: Venture
Total Investment: 1
Project Support: N/A
Social Influence: N/A
Last Investment: 25 Apr
Region of Origin: N/A
Influence Geography: N/A
Type of project assistance: N/A

Greenoaks Capital - About

Greenoaks Capital is a venture capital firm with a unique philosophy: they believe that a small number of companies define each generation. Their mission is to identify these companies early in their lifecycle and partner with them for decades, providing long-term support and investment. This approach reflects a deep commitment to nurturing and growing businesses that have the potential to make a significant impact across various industries.

The portfolio of Greenoaks Capital includes a diverse array of companies, many of which are leaders in their respective fields. Notable investments include Airtable, Airwallex, Brex, Canva,, Cockroach Labs, Coupang, Databricks, Deliveroo, Discord, Flipkart, Klaviyo, Motive, Navan, Papaya Global, Personio, QuintoAndar, Rippling, Robinhood,, Sea, Stripe, Tipalti, Toast, Vercel, Wiz, and Zetwerk. These companies represent a wide range of sectors, from fintech and software to e-commerce and beyond, illustrating Greenoaks Capital's broad investment scope.

Greenoaks Capital's approach is characterized by a focus on partnering with intensely focused teams, indicating a preference for companies driven by a strong vision and leadership. Their strategy is not just about financial investment; it's about forming lasting partnerships that contribute to the long-term success and growth of their portfolio companies.

The firm's belief in the transformative power of a handful of companies to define generations underlines their investment philosophy. This perspective sets them apart in the venture capital landscape, where they seek to identify and support the companies that are not just part of the industry's evolution but are at the forefront of shaping it.

Greenoaks Capital - Indusries

Greenoaks Capital – Investments

Project Score Date Price Status Industry
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N/A Past
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