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KR1 plc is a trailblazer in digital asset investments, publicly traded in the UK. They have a proven track record with early investments in major blockchain projects and generate revenue through staking. Their transparent, audited approach and educational community involvement make them a standout in the crypto investment landscape.

CoinLaunch Score: Last update:
N/A 06 Nov 2023

KR1 Overview

Type: Venture
Total Investment: 1
Project Support: N/A
Social Influence: N/A
Last Investment: 01 Feb
Region of Origin: N/A
Influence Geography: N/A
Type of project assistance: N/A

KR1 - About

KR1 plc distinguishes itself as Europe's leading digital asset investment company, with a focus on decentralized and open-source blockchain networks. Since its inception in March 2016, KR1 has been publicly traded on London’s AQSE Exchange, allowing public investment into the burgeoning digital asset space.

KR1 is unique in the financial market as a publicly listed entity in the UK, offering transparency and accessibility to investors who wish to gain exposure to the crypto markets through KR1's portfolio. Their investment track record is robust, with early stakes in significant Proof-of-Stake networks like Polkadot, Cosmos, and Ethereum, from which they generate continuous revenue through staking activities.

The company views digital assets as a new asset class and has been a pioneer in investing through all market cycles since 2016. KR1's approach differs from traditional venture capital firms by focusing on digital assets rather than traditional equity in startups.

Transparency is a cornerstone of KR1's operations, with significant investments and asset realizations being publicly announced. Their portfolio is a mix of liquid and stake-able digital assets, interests in yet-to-launch decentralized networks, and a small percentage in traditional equity in blockchain startups. KR1's performance is independently audited annually, and they publish comprehensive performance reports every six months, ensuring accountability and investor confidence.

KR1's commitment to the digital asset space is not only financial but also educational and community-oriented, as evidenced by their involvement in meetups and events like 'KRYPTONIGHT LONDON' and 'Ethereum London (#ETHLDN)'.

KR1 - Indusries

KR1 – Investments

Project Score Date Price Status Industry
Celestia LogoCelestia
$0.0094 Past
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