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PinkSale is an all-encompassing launchpad protocol that enables users to create and manage token sales across multiple blockchain networks, offering tools for minting tokens, setting up launchpads, and providing liquidity locking, all without requiring coding expertise.

CoinLaunch Score: Last update:
N/A 22 May 2024

PinkSale Overview

Number of Token Sales: 1
Project Support: N/A
Social Influence: N/A
Total Funds Raised: 185K
Last Token Sales: 28 May
Region of Origin: N/A
Influence Geography: N/A
Type of project assistance: N/A
Security Audit: n/a

PinkSale - About

PinkSale is a comprehensive launchpad protocol designed for creating and managing token sales. It supports multiple blockchain networks including BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, Solana, Arbitrum, and more. The platform provides a suite of tools for users to mint standard, deflationary, and custom tokens, and set up launchpads without requiring any coding knowledge. Key features include branding options, community promotion, and liquidity locking on platforms like PinkSwap and PancakeSwap. Additionally, PinkSale offers various ecosystem tools like PinkMoon, PinkLock, PinkSwap, and PinkWallet, catering to diverse decentralized finance needs. For more details, visit PinkSale.

PinkSale - Indusries

PinkSale News

PinkSale – Token Sales

Project Score Round Score End Date Price Amount to Raise Status Industry
Jupcat LogoJupCatHigh28 May$1.8065E-6$185,000Past
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