Zephyrus Capital Logo

Zephyrus Capital


Zephyrus Capital, a champion for fintech startups, believes in the power of disruptive technology and its transformative investors. Concentrating on early-stage ventures, they provide more than just financial support; they invest in the visions of pioneering founders. Their involvement spans from crafting impactful marketing strategies to offering tailored advisory services, ensuring each project achieves its goals. With a keen eye for innovation and a hands-on approach, Zephyrus is not just an investor but a partner, guiding startups to reshape the fintech landscape.

CoinLaunch Score: Last update:
N/A 15 Oct 2023

Zephyrus Capital Overview

Type: Venture
Total Investment: 2
Project Support: N/A
Social Influence: N/A
Last Investment: 04 Mar
Region of Origin: N/A
Influence Geography: N/A
Type of project assistance: N/A

Zephyrus Capital - About

Zephyrus Capital stands as a beacon for startups aiming to reshape the future of financial technology. With a firm belief that disruptive technology necessitates equally disruptive investors, Zephyrus is committed to aiding startups in realizing their ambitions. Their focus is predominantly on early-stage companies and projects, providing them with the necessary support and guidance to flourish in the fintech landscape. Beyond mere financial backing, Zephyrus takes a hands-on approach, investing in the tangible realities and visions of the visionary founders steering these projects. Their involvement extends to advisory roles, ensuring that each venture they invest in experiences accelerated growth and achieves its set objectives.

Their offerings are comprehensive. Recognizing the pivotal role of marketing in a startup's success, Zephyrus assists in crafting effective marketing strategies. From establishing a robust social media presence to leveraging top-tier KOLs, they ensure that their invested ventures gain the visibility they deserve. Additionally, their advisory services are tailored to ensure that projects are built efficiently and effectively before their launch. By introducing innovative solutions, Zephyrus aims to enhance the utility and impact of these projects. With a portfolio that speaks to their investment acumen and a team of experts ready to engage, Zephyrus Capital is truly a catalyst for fintech innovation.

Zephyrus Capital - Indusries

Zephyrus Capital News

Zephyrus Capital – Investments

Project Score Date Price Status Industry
ChainGPT LogoChainGPT
$0.005 Past
LayerZero LogoLayerZero
N/A Past
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