ZNS Connect is a decentralized name service for linking Omn-ichain. ZNS Connect seeks to unveil a decentralized ecosystem that redefines user control and privacy.
Please be aware that all information, including our ratings and reviews, is presented purely for educational purposes. CoinLaunch doesn’t provide financial advice, nor does it intend for the information to be perceived as investment advice or recommendations. Our project evaluation methodology encompasses 80+ distinct variables/metrics, refined over time through the team's rich 7-year experience.
ZNS Connect has already launched v.1 of their product: https://app.znsconnect.io/. Here is the guide of how to start using the product.
Spotlights: :
ZNS App Version 1 Roadmap:
ZNS App Version 2: Enhanced User Experience and Functionality
Launch of ZNS App Version 3
<a href="https://coinlaunch.space/projects/zns-connect/" title="ZNS Connect (ZNT)" target="_blank"><img src="https://coinlaunch.space/media/widgets/0/zns-connect.png" width="224" alt="ZNS Connect (ZNT)"></a>