Launchpad Score Status Project Support Social Influence Number of
Token Sales
SidusPad logoSidusPadN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
Republic logoRepublicN/AICO PlatformsN/AN/A
KDG LogoKingdomStarterN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
TokenFI LogoTokenFiN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
Solanium Launchpad LogoSolaniumLowIDO PlatformsLowLow
Carbon Launchpad logoCarbon LaunchpadN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
Buidlpad logoBuidlpadMediumIDO PlatformsMediumMedium
BingX LogoBingX LaunchpadN/AIEO PlatformsN/AN/A
YAY Network LogoYAY Network N/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
Jupiter LFG LogoJupiter LFGN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
VelasPadVelasPadN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
Magpie XYZ logoMagpie XYZN/AIDO PlatformsN/AN/A
xLaunchpad LogoxLaunchpad (Maiar launchpad)MediumIDO PlatformsMediumHigh
Whitebit Launchpad LogoWhiteBIT Launchpad LowIEO PlatformsVery LowMedium
ascendex logoAscendEXMediumIEO PlatformsLowMedium
16-30 from 40
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Discover The Best Crypto Launchpad Platforms With CoinLaunch

There are myriads of crypto launchpad platforms on the modern crypto market, which make your choice wider. But, on the other hand, considering such a wide selection, it becomes more difficult to analyze all suitable launchpads and make the right decision. That is where CoinLaunch comes into play. Our team of experts has diligently curated a comprehensive list of the most promising launchpads in the industry through rigorous selection criteria. We have taken the time to thoroughly research and review each crypto launchpad considering their stats, performance, project support and marketing influence to provide you with detailed insights and information.

With CoinLaunch, you can save valuable time and effort, as we have already done the legwork for you. Never miss out on the best token launch platforms with our curated list of crypto round hosting launchpads.


What is a launchpad in crypto?

A launchpad is a dedicated platform through which cryptocurrency startups raise funding for the development of their projects. Crypto launchpads act as a bridge between projects and investors – the first ones utilize a platform's infrastructure to launch their tokens safely and the last ones use crypto launchpads to discover and invest in promising early stage ventures.

Launching tokens through a crypto launchpad provides a layer of safety for both investors and projects. Prior to adding a token to a crypto launchpad, the launchpad’s team conducts a rigorous vetting process to ensure they present only credible and prospective investment opportunities to their users. On the other hand, KYC and AML verifications are meant to filter out potential risks and verify investors.

Why do crypto launchpads have their own native tokens?

Crypto launchpads have their own native tokens for two main reasons:

  1. Utility. Native tokens serve as the primary utility within the launchpad ecosystem. Everyone who holds the native tokens can get access to premium features, participate in token sales, or get voting rights.
  2. Tokenomics. Native tokens can play a role in the launchpad's token economics. By creating a native token with limited supply and increasing demand, the launchpad can incentivize early adopters and long-term holders. This can create a sense of scarcity and value, potentially driving up the token's price, thereby, rewarding a launchpad's team, early adopters, and the rest token holders as well as fostering the growth of the whole ecosystem.

The benefits of launching tokens on crypto launchpad platforms.

  1. Fast and low-cost method for crypto projects to raise capital for their product development and promotion.
  2. All tokens that are launched on an IDO, ICO or IEO launchpads may receive a huge support from a launchpad’s loyal community. Projects get mentioned on the launchpad’s social media channels, website and sometimes on joint AMA sessions within the framework of the cooperation.
  3. Additional perks for project owners. Besides providing an infrastructure for projects to launch their cryptocurrencies, some crypto launchpads offer marketing support that includes connecting startups with a network of influencers and potential investors as well as promotional activities on crypto launchpad’s official social media channels. 

Do all crypto launchpads require KYC?

Not all crypto launchpads require KYC verification. Essentially, KYC was created to filter out potential risks and verify individuals that participate in token sales. Launchpads that prioritize decentralization and privacy may require minimal or no KYC verification while in ICO and IEO launchpads AML/KYC verification is compulsory.