Influencer Score Top Channel Language Engagement Total Followers
Crypto LegendCrypto LegendVery LowTwitterENMedium
Crypto GardenCrypto GardenMediumTelegramENVery High
bitcoin industry logoBitcoin IndustryHighTelegramENHigh
legit airdrops logoLEGIT AIRDROPSMediumTelegramENMedium
kenkenVery LowTwitterENLow
Crypto GeographicCrypto GeographicLowYouTubeENHigh
Kam logoKamVery LowTwitterENVery Low
DeFi PrincessDeFi Princess | StorytellerVery LowTwitterENLow
DecuDecuVery LowTwitterENLow
ManLyNFT logoManLyVery LowTwitterENLow
rickrickVery LowTwitterENLow
Mr Crypto LogoMr.Crypto | Mr.Crypto CommunityN/AYouTubeRON/A
0xCabana logoCABANAVery LowTwitterENLow
PRIMEPRIME 𝕏Very LowTwitterTRMedium
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Your Favorite Airdrop Telegram, Discord, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Twitter Accounts, Groups & Channels in One Place!

An airdrop is a marketing tactic where a blockchain project distributes free tokens to individuals who meet certain requirements, like owning a particular cryptocurrency, performing some on the blockchain, or on social media. Platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Twitter have turned into prime spots for getting news and insights about active and upcoming airdrop campaigns. In turn, Youtube and TikTok are the platforms where step-by-step airdrop and retrodrop guidelines are shared. Nowadays, there are plenty of groups solely focused on spreading info about airdrops.

Evaluating a crypto influencer or community on your own takes a huge amount of time and energy, especially when you're checking out every social media channel. Thankfully, there's a handy solution – CoinLaunch. The platform thoroughly researches and examines crypto airdrop channels and groups, and then, presents them in a single rated list.

To bring a touch of unbiased evaluation into the influencer profile analysis, our team has come up with a mathematical formula, also known as the CoinLaunch Score. This rating system takes into account >80 factors (!), all combined to determine an influencer's trustworthiness, impact, content quality, and marketing power.


What is a Telegram airdrop channel?

Telegram airdrop channels, as a rule, have the purpose to inform their subscribers about new opportunities of getting free tokens as well as provide instructions on how to get them. These channels can be useful for people who want to participate in airdrops and want to get updates regarding new ones regularly. However, it is important to remember that not all airdrops are legitimate, and some of them can be scams. So it is crucial to do your own research before participating in airdrops even if you discover them from a source you trust.

How do we rate crypto airdrop Telegram influencers?

The CoinLaunch rating system is a proprietary algorithm developed by the CoinLaunch team. Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive assessment of an influencer's authority, audience and content quality, and trustworthiness, presented as the Trust Score ranging from 0 to 100. This score is based on >80 influencer-related factors, such as social media performance, the number of subscribers, audience’s quality and engagement rate, content quality, identification of scam promo, and the affiliations with associated projects and funds. Collectively, these factors determine an influencer's potential impact and Trust Score.

The creation of the algorithm can be attributed to a proficient team consisting of experts in blockchain technology, crypto marketing, investment, and legal matters. Through constant refinement, the algorithm has been optimized to produce accurate and unbiased assessment. This dynamic system remains adaptable, receiving regular updates to reflect the latest developments in the blockchain industry, market trends, and regulatory adjustments.

How to identify fake Telegram airdrops?

The crypto world presents many ways to get rich… and break unscrupulously, so your task is to know the main signs of deception. For example, the Airdrop phishing schemes on Telegram require you to provide a lot of personal and sensitive data to participate. For example, bank account login information or a cryptocurrency wallet key. Also beware of downloading unknown files and clicking on suspicious links in Telegram, emails or websites. Eventually, you should validate the credibility and popularity of a $TOKEN to be airdropped before participation. If it’s a no name token, launched by no name company with no active and smart community, security audits, partnerships and verified profile on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CoinLaunch, it’s better to skip the airdrop.

How to find airdrop Discord influencers?

  • One of the easiest ways to find reliable crypto airdrop Discord servers is by joining cryptocurrency and airdrop-related Discord communities. These may include official project communities, cryptocurrency trading groups, or airdrop-specific channels.
  • Another simple method is to do a Google search, which will give you various sources of information, but this can be time-consuming and less convenient.
  • The most efficient and time-saving approach is to check a trustworthy crypto ranking platform – CoinLaunch. On the platform, you can get a complete list of cryptocurrency airdrop Discord servers applying various filters. Each Discord servers’ profile is carefully evaluated and rated in terms of its content, credibility, scam promo and performance. This provides you with a comprehensive overview of the top cryptocurrency groups and servers in the industry.