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AcceleRaytor (by Raydium) logoAcceleRaytor (Raydium)MediumIDO PlatformsVery LowMedium
Solidus AITech Crypto Launchpad logoAITECH PadHighIDO PlatformsMediumVery High
Binance LogoBinance LaunchpadVery HighIEO PlatformsVery HighVery High
BinStarter LogoBinStarterMediumIDO PlatformsLowLow
bitget logoBitgetHighIEO PlatformsMediumHigh
bitmart logoBitMartMediumIEO PlatformsVery LowHigh
BSCpad logoBSCPadMediumIDO PlatformsMediumLow
BSCStation logoBSCStationHighIDO PlatformsMediumHigh
bullperks logoBullPerks (BullStarter)MediumIDO PlatformsLowMedium
bybit logoBybit LaunchpadHighIEO PlatformsHighVery High
Camelot ProfileCamelotMediumIDO PlatformsVery LowMedium
cardstarter logoCardStarterLowIDO PlatformsMediumLow
Chain GPT LogoChainGPT PadHighIDO PlatformsHighVery High
CoinList LogoCoinListVery HighICO PlatformsVery HighMedium
CryptoHub logoCrypto HubMediumIDO PlatformsLowLow
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A Complete List of Crypto, Web3 & DeFi Launchpad Incubators Rated by CoinLaunch

Keep abreast of all new, established and hyped crypto incubators and round hosting platforms in the blockchain industry with CoinLaunch!

CoinLaunch has become a trusted authority in the crypto community thanks to our dedication to comprehensive research, unbiased analysis, and our commitment to providing reliable information to our users. Here we gather, analyze and rate dozens of platforms, providing all the needed information on each launchpad in a comprehensive and informative manner.

CoinLaunch like no one understands how complex and ever-changing is the crypto world. Stop conducting time-consuming research independently, and delegate it to professionals. Check our comprehensive list now!


What is a Crypto & Web3 Accelerator?

A crypto accelerator is an organization that provides start-up crypto companies with an access to funding, network of VCs and angel investors, mentoring, and guidance in tech development and marketing. Crypto accelerator programs usually last several months, with some programs extending to a year. Compared to crypto incubators, accelerators focus more on startups that already have a strategy and an MVP. They usually support projects that have already created something on their own but do not know how to scale.

What is a Crypto & Web3 startup incubator?

A crypto incubator is a specialized organization that provides support to early-stage startups in the world of blockchain. Crypto incubators specialize in nurturing projects from the conceptual stage and even before a complete team is formed. Through various means, they contribute significantly to the success of crypto ventures. The main task of a business incubator is to help a business get on its feet confidently. In other words, crypto-incubators help grow your idea into a structured business and turn a crypto startup into a successful, profitable business. The business incubator is aimed at the growth and development of your project and supports it in various ways, including the provision of mentorship, technical support, network of investors and influencers etc.

How to apply for Web3 accelerator programs?

In most crypto accelerators, the application process takes the following stages:

  1. Application. The application requires the team to provide essential information about their project, such as its concept, target market, UVP, and details about the team members.
  2. Evaluation. Projects that applied for a program are thoroughly evaluated by a team of a crypto accelerator. 
  3. Team interview. Shortlisted startups are invited for interviews or presentations, either in person or virtually. 
  4. Approval. Based on the results of the due diligence and interviews, the accelerator team makes the final selection of startups that will participate in the program.

As part of the program, startups solve business problems under the guidance of mentors and then present the project to potential clients.

How do projects benefit from a crypto launchpad incubator?

A crypto incubator provides many benefits for a growing crypto startup. Here's what you can get:

  1. Knowledge and development. The best business incubators give you access to a network of mentors, trainers, and educational programs focused on business innovation.
  2. VCs and angel investors. A crypto incubator often provides close contact with crypto venture capitalists who may be willing to fund your ideas.
  3. Communication with other startups. Coworking provides many benefits for crypto startups. It allows you to use shared resources such as utilities while saving on costs. You will also be in a great position to connect minds and collaborate with other companies.
  4. Networking and Partnerships. By being part of an incubator, startups can attract valuable partnerships with established companies, industry leaders, and other startups in the ecosystem. These connections can lead to collaborative ventures, joint projects, and shared resources that amplify the startup's growth potential.
  5. Marketing support. Crypto incubators may leverage their own marketing channels and networks to amplify the reach of the startups. This could include promoting startups through their social media platforms, newsletters, and community events.